Monday, April 6, 2009


Dissociative identity disorder

Dissociative identity disorder (DID), as defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a condition in which a single person displays multiple distinct identities or personalitiesalters), each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. The diagnosis requires that at least two personalities routinely take control of the individual's behavior with an associated memory loss that goes beyond normal forgetfulness; in addition, symptoms cannot be due to drug use or medical condition. Earlier versions of the DSM named the condition multiple personality disorder (MPD).

Signs and symptoms

Individuals diagnosed with DID demonstrate a variety of symptoms with wide fluctuations across time; functioning can vary from severe impairment in daily functioning to normal or high abilities. Symptoms can include:

  • multiple mannerisms, attitudes and beliefs that are not similar to each other
  • headaches and other body pains
  • distortion or loss of subjective time
  • depersonalization
  • amnesia
  • depression
  • derealization
  • flashbacks of abuse/trauma
  • unexplainable phobias
  • sudden anger without a justified cause
  • lack of intimacy and personal connections
  • frequent panic/anxiety attacks
  • auditory hallunications of the personalities inside their mind

Patients may experience an extremely broad array of other symptoms that resemble epilepsy, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, and eating disorders.


The causes of dissociative identity disorder have not been identified, but are theoretically linked with the interaction of overwhelming stress, traumatic antecedents, insufficient childhood nurturing, and an innate ability to dissociate memories or experiences from consciousness. A high percentage of patients report child abuse.

Others believe that the symptoms of DID are created iatrogenically by therapists using certain treatment techniques with suggestible patients, but this idea is not universally accepted. Support for the iatrogenic nature of DID comes from observations that a small number of therapists are responsible for diagnosing the majority of individuals with DID; that patients do not report sexual abuse or manifest alters until after treatment has begun; and the alternative explanation of the "alters" being rule-governed social roles rather than separate personalities.


Treatment of DID may attempt to reconnect the identities of disparate alters into a single functioning identity. In addition or instead, treatment may focus on symptoms, to relieve the distressing aspects of the condition and ensure the safety of the individual. Treatment methods may include psychotherapy and medications for comorbid disorders. Some behavior therapists initially use behavioral treatments such as only responding to a single identity, and using more traditional therapy once a consistent response is established. It has been stated that treatment recommendations that follow from models that do not believe in the traumatic origins of DID might be harmful due to the fact that they ignore the posttraumatic symptomatology of people with DID.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Emotional and behavioral disorders

Emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD) is a broad category which is used commonly in educational settings, to group a range of more specific perceived difficulties of children and adolescents. Both general definitions as well as concrete diagnosis of EBD may be controversial as the observed behaviour may depend on many factors.

Often EBD students may have other disabilities such as: PDD, autism, Rett syndrome, PDD-NOS, Asperger syndrome and ADHD.

Strategies for students classified with EBD

  1. Routine: Provide a structured routine with visual time clock. Auditory sound cues may be helpful in addition to visual cues to help students manage their time efficiently. Post schedule and refer to schedule on regular basis. Routines may take 6-8 weeks to establish or even more for this population of students.
  2. Changes in Routine: Convey any changes of routine to students as soon as available. The sooner students are aware of changes the more time students have to adjust to the new routine.
  3. Classroom Jobs Chart/Classroom Order Chart: Classroom jobs offer an opportunity for student to show responsibility. In order to ensure success, make sure students have an opportunity to experience every job. One suggestion is having a chart with each students name and according job. Every week rotate the jobs. The list can double as the order in which students line up or choose preferred activities. Students with EBD classification tend to be competitive and need specific procedures informing the order students line up and choose activities.
  4. Logical Consequences: Students must fix what they break. If a student pushes over a desk, he or she must pick it up. If a student runs in the hall, she must practice walking the correct way. If the student talks during the lesson, student must make up the work on his time. Be consistent with consequences so students know what is expected of them.
  5. Target Behaviors: After taking data on students observable behavior, determine which behavior or behaviors to direct attention. Work with student to develop a plan to replace undesirable behavior with a more suitable behavior. If student throws desks and pencils when angry, have student work on communicating anger to an adult or trusted peer and how to be assertive without being aggressive.
  6. Small Flexible Grouping: Students with EBD may have difficulty establishing relationships with peers. Abusive language and other behaviors may interfere with learning. Smaller groups decrease distractions and student-to-teacher ratio. Differentiation of instruction is more manageable with smaller groups.
  7. Audience: During a serious behavior episode, the most effective strategy may be to remove the audience. The audience typically is other peers but may be other adults. The audience can be removed by moving the student if he or she is willing. However, moving the audience may be necessary in some cases. Develop a procedure with your class which will function as an "everybody out" drill. Behaviors amplified with an audience may be reduced or complete stopped when an audience is removed.
  8. Calm spot: Have a designated area of the classroom for students to calm down. This spot can be used pro actively to prevent behaviors. Alternatively, the spot may be used after a behavior occurs to give the student a chance to refocus.
  9. Choices: Students may frustrate easily when doing work. Giving students an option of when to complete the work is a powerful tool. For example, a teacher may say, "You need to get this done today. Would you rather do it now or during your free time?"

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cara Mengatasi Perasaan Marah

Marah ni adalah satu keadaan di mana kita akan rasa panas di dalam hati terhadap seseorang. Kerana itulah disifatkan marah itu adalah api. Cara untuk memadam api ialah dengan mencurahkan air ke atas api tersebut. Tapi, kalau api tu ada dalam hati, takkanlah kita nak curah air senang-senang je, ye tak?

1. Cepat-cepat ingatkan orang yang sedang marah itu dengan berselawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad saw.

2. Kalau sedang berdiri, cepat-cepat duduk untuk mengelakkan tangan kita lancang memukul orang atau mencapai barang untuk dibaling. Jarang orang marah dalam keadaan duduk kan?

3. Kalau tak berkesan duduk, suruh je dia baring terus..

4. Ambillah wuduk. Wuduk itu dapat membuang segala kekotoran pada diri kita..

5. Minum air kosong banyak-banyak ketika marah.. Cara ni dapat meredakan marah..

6. Lari daripada melihat muka orang yang nak dimarahi...

Ada pun ingatlah ketika kita marah, muka kita akan nampak hodoh sekali. Almaklumlah, muka kita nampak bengis dan berkerut seribu sewaktu marah..
Cuba bayangkan wajah seseorang yang sentiasa tak lekang dari senyuman.. Sejuk je mata memandang, tak gitu?

Fakta memang menunjukkan orang yang selalu marah cepat tua..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The First Day of School

The First Day of School

I wonder if my drawing will be as good as theirs
I wonder if they'll like me, or just be full of stares
I wonder if my teacher will look like mom or gram
And I wonder if my puppy will wonder where I am.

Aileen Fisher

Pengalaman PBS yang lalu...

10 March 2009: That was my first time doing SBE alone far away from Miri...

Pertama kali melakukan PBS(SBE) seorang diri merupakan penglaman baru yang tidak mungkin saya lupakan. Pihak sekolah melayan saya dengan baik dan berusaha untuk menyediakan maklumat yang saya inginkan. Apa yang saya perhatikan, dari segi kemudahan/fasiliti, sekolah ini mempunyai kemudahan yang cukup sempurna. Setiap kelas disediakan LCD, makmal sains yang lengkap, dilengkapi dengan bilik kesihatan di mna pelajar2 yang kurang sihat boleh mendapat rawatan di sana. Taman permainan, taman botani/science garden juga ada di sekolah ini. Seems like everything's perfect... Tetapi saya melihat di sebaliknya... Tingkah laku guru2 yang ada di sekolah ini agak kurang menyenangkan hati sesiapa yang memandang.

Sedang saya berjalan2 mengambil foto yang menarik di kawasan sekolah saya melihat pelbagai karenah guru yang tidak sepatutnya menjadi contoh kepada kita bakal guru kelak. Berikut merupakan situasi yang saya lihat berlaku dalam bilik darjah di sekolah tersebut:

Guru mengarahkan murid2 utk melakukan hal masing2 sementara guru tersebut membuka pelbagai lagu rancak melalui handphonenya sambil membaca majalah hiburan. Murid2 berkeliaran sana sini tanpa dihiraukan cikgu tersebut.

Guru berteriak kepada seorang murid perempuan yang lupa menyiapkan kerja rumah. Cikgu tersebut menyebut perkataan 'bodoh' dan beberapa perkataan lain (yang kurang baik) berkali2 ke atas murid tersebut. Murid tersebut menangis dan kelihatan bergegar seluruh badan. Cikgu tersebut langsung tidak mengendahkan keadaan pelajar tersebut.

Situasi ini sangat memeranjatkan saya. Saya langsung tidak menyangka seorang guru yang mempunyai ijazah perguruan melakukan perbuatan yang sedemikian kepada pelajar tahun 2 yang masih kecil dan innocent.

Last day:
Saya ingin menjalankan satu temuramah dengan pemangku ketua tetapi tiba2 muncul sepasang ibu bapa yang masuk ke pejabat dalam keadaan marah dan mendakwa lengan anaknya dicubit sehingga lebam oleh gurunya dan anaknya langsung tidak dapat menggerakkan tangannya. Setelah mereka selesai berbincang, saya difahamkan bahawa cikgu yang telah mencubit lengan murid tersebut mempunyai sejenis penyakit yang saya sendiri pun kurang pasti kewujudannya. Guru tersebut tidak dapat mengawal perasaan marahnya wlupun kesalahan yang dilakukan pelajar adalah kecil. Dalam keadaan marah, dia akan mencubit org yang melakukan kesalahan itu.

Walaupun terdapat guru yang bersikap sedemikian, terdapat juga guru2 yang prihatin dan menjalankan tanggungjawab dengan tekun.

Kesimpulan yang ble saya buat ialah, kelengkapan yang mencukupi di sekolah adalah sama penting dengan sikap guru terhadap murid2 sama ada di dalam kelas atau di luar. Guru harus bersikap tegas dalam kelas tetapi tidak melampau2. Guru juga tidak seharusnya terlalu berlembut dengan pelajar.

Any comment/ suggestion?:)

Pastoral Care

School of Pastoral Care Management Interview

- This is the link of video about Pastoral Care Management: