Friday, October 17, 2008


Laughter reduces stress, improves memory & helps keep our hearts healthy. The ability to laugh is hardwired into our systems, & new research shows that it's not only good for us, it's contagious. There's a reason sitcoms are funnier when we're in a group: when we see someone laugh, our brain seems to activate "mirror neurons" that send us into the same fit of laughter.

A little fun can lead to a more positive approach in everyday situations.

A good giggle helps u :

Laughing for 10 to 15 minutes increases ur heart rate by 10 - 20 %, which means u can burn an extra 40 - 165 kJ a day. Over a year, that can add up to around 2 kilograms in weight loss.

In a US study, experts discovered that children tolerated pain better than usual when watching a funny TV programme.

Humour increases the production and effectiveness of natural killer cells that stomp out germs. These cells are elevated for at least 12 hours after just an hour of watching funny shows.

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